

Reflections on Theory & Practice

Heinz Kohut viewed the nature of human psychopathology as emanating from a disorder of the self, and the fruits of psychotherapeutic cure were brought to bear by the individual’s capacity to seek out appropriate and nourishing relationships. The intersubjective theorists built upon Kohut’s conceptual framework to support new thoughts on the treatment of psychopathology; namely, that the primary curative interaction is the elucidation of the principles that structure the disruption of the bond between therapist and patient. In both theories it is the relational aspect of the human experience which defines, and sets it apart from previously accepted isolated mind theories regarding the origins of psychological experience and the developmental process. Attachment theorists sought to expand upon the reformation and re-conceptualization of intellectual and scientific thought by providing neuropsychological data to confirm the preeminence of the intersubjective medium within the developmental process. From this, previous information regarding the centrality of early child/caregiver experiences became reconstituted as the blue prints for the centrality of attachment relationships in human development.

Posted on May 03, 2017 By admin


3 Good Reasons Why Psychotherapy Can Help You

Everyday millions of people around the world are affected by psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety. Our psychological well-being plays such an important role in affecting our relationships, careers, and happiness. Many people who seek professional treatment are often confronted with choices such as whether to take medication, seek psychotherapy, and sometimes both. It’s true that although some conditions may require that you seek medication there is no short cut to feeling our best. Finding greater fulfillment in life, making healthy choices, and improving our relationships can take a lot of hard work, and psychotherapy can provide you with the tools to do this. Not only has research shown that psychotherapy can be just as effective as medication for certain conditions, it does so without the side effects!
Posted on April 27, 2017 By admin


Addiction – Reason and Recovery

When we think of alcoholism and drug addiction most of us will conjure up the image of the street hobo with the brown paper bag around his malt liquor, or the dope fiend shooting up in the abandoned house– right? We usually don’t think of someone who has achieved an education, financial stability, or raised a family as someone who might be susceptible to addiction, but the disease does not discriminate! Addiction does not care if you are a doctor, professor, or successful business person. In fact, in many instances a person’s intelligence can be a hindrance along the pathway to recovery. Addiction to a substance, person, or thing, is primarily concerned with easing and relieving suffering from emotional trauma, and this can happen to anyone regardless of your intellect. Posted on April 27, 2017 By admin


Depression and Anxiety: The Fabulous Life Others Have on Facebook

You don’t know how many times I have heard from my patients the words “I look at how wonderful and amazing my friends’ lives are on Facebook and mine starts to seem so pathetic”. We look, and we look, and we can’t stop looking… down the Facebook rabbit hole we go. It’s true that often times when we are feeling depressed, sad, lonely, or rejected we find ourselves looking at other peoples lives and comparing. This experience of comparing ourselves to others on Facebook when mixed with feelings of sadness, loneliness, or depression can be a deadly combo much like drinking and climbing behind the wheel of a car. It is problematic for obvious reasons: the first is that if we are feeling like we are a sad, pathetic loser, then our brains will either be searching for information which will confirm this feeling, or for information that will refute this feeling. In other words, are we really comparing…? Posted on April 27, 2017 By admin

recent blog

Reflections on Theory & Practice

Heinz Kohut viewed the nature of human psychopa

3 Good Reasons Why Psychotherapy Can Help You

Everyday millions of people around the world ar

Addiction – Reason and Recovery

When we think of alcoholism and drug addiction

Depression and Anxiety: The Fabulous Life Others Have on Facebook

You don’t know how many times I have heard fr